Bitly Essentials
- What is Bitly?
- What’s the difference between Bitly and QR Code Generator?
- How do Bitly Links, Bitly Codes, and Bitly Pages work together?
- How long does it take Bitly to create a link or QR Code?
- What's the character limit for Bitly Links?
- When did Bitly change its look and navigation?
- Where can I learn more about how to use Bitly?
- What is the response time/latency when opening a Bitly Link?
- Will using Bitly hurt my site’s SEO?
- What timezone does Bitly use?
- Does Bitly host web content?
- Why am I not receiving replies to my support ticket?
- What is auto-branding?
- What are the per-minute/per-hour limits for creating links?
- Does Bitly have keyboard shortcuts?