This feature is available with some paid plans
Follow these steps to set up your custom domain for mobile deep linking. This creates the site association files for your apps, which are necessary for creating mobile deep links.
Before you continue, make sure that you've added your mobile apps to your account and have included the app's Apple App ID and/or Android SHA-256 Key.
To configure your custom domain for mobile deep linking:
- Log in to your Bitly account.
- Click Settings in the left sidebar.
- Below your account name, click Custom Domains.
- Click Manage on the Custom Domain to be used for deep linking.
If you have multiple custom domains and want to configure more than one for deep linking, repeat these next steps for each one.
- Scroll down to Mobile link behavior and click Select iOS Apps or Select Android Apps.
- Choose the apps to be configured for your domain.
Note: Only apps with Apple App IDs or Android SHA-256 Keys will appear in this list.
- Configure the mobile link behavior settings for the custom domain:
- App Priority: If you have multiple apps configured, this is the order the mobile device follows when trying to open apps. If an app with a higher priority isn't installed, it tries the next app in the order listed. To change the order, use the drag handle to the left of the app name.
Install Preference: If someone doesn't have your app (or apps) installed, the link can take them to a few different places instead. This can be unique for iOS and Android.
- Content in mobile web: They're taken to the correct page in their mobile browser.
- App store (Google Play Store or Apple App Store): They're taken to the Install URL to download the app. If you have multiple apps configured, they'll be taken to the listing for the first app in the list.
- Interstitial: They're taken to an interstitial on mobile web where they can choose to go to the Install URL to download the app or be taken to the content in mobile web.
That's it! To verify the apps are configured properly on the custom domain, check the site association files at:
- iOS: https://[INSERT_YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN]/apple-app-site-association
- Android: https://[INSERT_YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN]/.well-known/assetlinks.json
It can take up to 10 mins to see updates to the site association file due to caching.