This feature is available with some paid plans
As of May 2024, our QR Codes are now known as Bitly Codes. Learn more at What is a Bitly Code?
On all paid subscription plans, yes, you can redirect a Bitly Code.
A redirected Bitly Code counts toward your monthly limits for redirects. It also counts as a new link, meaning it counts against your monthly link limit. View your current usage and limits on the Account Details page in your settings.
To redirect a Bitly Code:
- Log in to your Bitly account.
- Click QR Codes in the left sidebar.
- Find the Bitly Code you want to redirect.
- Click the edit content icon (it looks like a pencil).
- Click Redirect.
- Click Yes, continue.
- Enter the new destination URL and click Save changes.
Anyone who scans the original Bitly Code will now land on the new page you've entered. This also redirects the associated Short Link.