As of May 2024, our QR Codes are now known as Bitly Codes. Learn more at What is a Bitly Code?
Any QR Code in your Bitly account can be customized.
If you make any design changes to your Bitly Code, the previous version will continue to point to the correct URL. All scans — whether for the previous version or the new, customized one — are shown in the Bitly Code's scan data.
The customization options available depend on your subscription plan. See what's available to you on our pricing page.
To customize a Bitly Code you previously created:
- Log in to your Bitly account.
- Click QR Codes in the left sidebar.
- Find the Bitly Code you want to customize and click the design icon.
- To start with a template, choose one of the options at the top of the customization page. Any designs you've saved appear here, as well.
- Select your pattern and corner styles. Click More to see all options.
- Choose your colors. Advanced color options, including a transparent background, are available on our higher paid plans.
Note: Make sure that there's enough color contrast for the code to be scannable.
- Add a logo or text. For logos, you can add a new image, select a recently-used logo, or use one of our presets.
Check out our best practices for Bitly Code images.
- Select a frame. Click More to see all options.
- With a paid account, you can remove the Bitly branding from the bottom-right corner of the Bitly Code. Toggle Bitly logo in the advanced options section to remove it.
- To save your design to reuse later, scroll to the top of the page and select Save current design.
- Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.