You can view your link data by city and country in two places:
The Links page shows data for individual links, while Bitly Analytics shows aggregate data for all of your links during a set date range. The date range and amount of data available depends on your subscription plan. Visit our pricing page for details.
Data for individual links
To view location data for a specific link, click Links in the left sidebar and select the link. Scroll down to Locations. You can toggle between country and city data. Click Export to download a CSV file of this data.
Data on your Analytics dashboard
Bitly Analytics shows aggregate data for all of your links and QR Codes for a specific date range. By default, we show data for the last 7 days.
To get this data, select Analytics in the left sidebar. If you have multiple dashboards, select which one you want to view.
Clicks + scans by location shows the country and city with the most engagements in your selected time period.
You can also create custom reports with location data.
Additional Notes
- You can export data for up to 500 locations.
No city/country data - Locations that cannot be identified, including those clicks before October 14, 2019, are grouped together under a "No city data" or "No country data" label.
- For example, 17 clicks with no city data could indicate there were 17 clicks from 17 different cities, 17 clicks from the same city, or something in between. Keep this in mind when analyzing your data, as these clicks will all be grouped together.
- All other cities - Cities with fewer than five clicks will be grouped together under an "All other cities" label in the app, and an "other_city_clicks" row in the export file. This is a privacy measure to ensure any one individual's clicks cannot be tracked.