As of May 2024, we've renamed the core parts of our product: Short Links are Bitly Links, QR Codes are Bitly Codes, and Link-in-bio pages are Bitly Pages. These changes reflect how the different parts of the Connections Platform work together and the many ways you can use our platform.
The Bitly web app has two menus: the navigation menu in the left sidebar and the profile menu in the top-right corner of the page. The Bitly mobile app has one navigation menu.
Navigation Menu
The navigation menu is on the left side of the page. Use the navigation menu to view and manage your links, QR Codes, and Bitly Pages. This menu also includes your settings. Some menu items are only accessible with a paid subscription.
When you view Bitly on a smaller screen or click the collapse button, the navigation menu shrinks to the left to keep your workspace clear.
Profile Menu
The profile menu is in the upper-right corner of the screen. It contains helpful resources like links to our Help Center (this website), API documentation, Bitly Learning Webinars, and our Terms of Service.
This is also where you can change accounts (if you have multiple) and sign out of your account.
Bitly mobile app
The Bitly mobile app has one menu in the left sidebar with everything you need. To open the menu, tap the hamburger icon (three parallel lines) in the top-left corner. To close it, tap the icon again.