This feature is available with some paid plans
These instructions show you how to add a custom domain that you own. To use a complimentary domain (available with some paid plans), visit How do I select a complimentary custom domain from Bitly?
Before you get started:
- Purchase your own custom domain from a provider like GoDaddy. Be sure to choose a short domain with 32 characters or less, including the dot.
- Configure your DNS settings so that your custom domain points to Bitly. This enables links with your custom domain to redirect to your destination URLs.
Visit the Bitly Help Center guide to custom domains for an overview of the entire process.
To add your custom domain to your Bitly account:
- Log in to your Bitly account.
- Click Custom domains in the left sidebar.
- Select I want to use my own domain, then click Next. If you'd like to get a domain from Bitly instead, follow the steps in How do I get a complimentary custom domain from Bitly?
- Enter your custom domain.
- Select whether this is an unused domain or if it's a subdomain of the domain used for your website, blog, etc. Click Next.
- Select the group or groups where you'll use this domain to shorten links. Select All groups if you want this domain to be available to all groups in your account.
- Click Next.
- If you haven't configured your DNS settings yet, log in to your domain provider, such as GoDaddy, and follow the steps in How do I configure my DNS settings to brand my Bitly links?
- After you've confirmed your DNS settings are set up correctly, click Add domain.
- Once your domain verifies, you'll be ready to create branded links with your own custom domain!
Verification should take less than 24 hours. If your domain doesn't verify, visit Why won't my domain verify? for troubleshooting help.
This is also a great time to set up your error pages, in case someone tries to go directly to your custom domain or uses an invalid short link.