As of May 2024, our QR Codes are now known as Bitly Codes. Learn more at What is a Bitly Code?
A Bitly Code is a QR Code, a square symbol containing information that's readable by the camera on a mobile device. To scan a Bitly Code, use your device's camera app. If you download an image with a QR Code (like a flyer) or take a screenshot of one, you can open the link directly from that image.
Scan a Bitly Code on iPhone
To scan a Bitly Code with your iPhone camera:
- Open the camera app on your iPhone.
- Point the camera at the Bitly Code. Tip: Make sure that there's enough light for your phone to scan the code. Try to point your camera straight at the code, rather than at an angle.
- The link displays in yellow towards the bottom of your camera app. Tap it to open the link.
To scan a Bitly Code on an image saved on your iPhone:
- Open the image, photo, or screenshot with the Bitly Code you want to scan.
- Tap and hold on the Bitly Code until the link appears with several options.
- Select what you want to do with the link. You can open it, copy it, and more.
Scan a Bitly Code on Android
To scan a Bitly Code with your Android camera:
- Open the camera app on your Android device.
- Point the camera at the Bitly Code. Tip: Make sure that there's enough light for your phone to scan the code. Try to point your camera straight at the code, rather than at an angle.
- The link displays either directly below the Bitly Code or in a pop-up window. Tap the link. If there's an option that says something like Open or Go to website, tap that instead.
To scan a Bitly Code on an image saved on your Android device:
- Open the image, photo, or screenshot with the Bitly Code you want to scan.
- Tap Lens or Search (the option depends on what kind of image it is). This opens the image in Google Lens.
- Select what you want to do with the link. You can open, copy, or share the link.
Get started with Bitly Codes
Want to make and share your own QR Codes in Bitly? Here are some resources to help you get started: