If you have multiple groups, first confirm that you're in the correct one. To change groups, click on the group name in the top-left corner of the Bitly window and select the one with the link you're looking for. Search and filters work for your active group only.
Searching your QR Codes
Enter your search term in the field at the top of the Bitly window to search for links or QR Codes.
The search bar works from any page in Bitly except for your settings.
You can also search QR Codes directly from the QR Codes tab.
When you search for a term or phrase, matched search results will be highlighted.
We'll show any links or QR Codes that have it in any of these locations:
- Long URL
- Short link
- Title
Filtering QR Codes
There are several filters on the QR Codes page:
- Created date
- Code type (QR Code or 2D barcode)
- Created by
To filter your QR codes:
- Navigate to the QR Codes tab
- Select your filters at the top of the page. Choose Filter by created date or Add filters.
- If you're filtering by created date, select a date range or use the calendar to set custom start and end dates. Then click Apply.
Note: To filter for a single day, select the dates immediately before and after it as your start end dates.
. - If you're using other filters, make your choices from the available fields. Then click Apply.
After applying filters, the QR Codes page shows all links that match your criteria. To clear the filters, click Clear all filters.