This feature is available with some paid plans
As of May 2024, our QR Codes are now known as Bitly Codes. Learn more at What is a Bitly Code?
Bitly subscribers on paid plans can upload a custom logo when creating QR Codes.
Bitly Code image requirements
Your logo must be a PNG file, with a maximum file size of 5MB.
Bitly Code logo best practices
For best results, use an image with a 1:1 aspect ratio.
If you have multiple versions of your logo, we recommend using the version that is the least complex. The space for your logo inside the QR Code is small, so simple images look best.
Notice how our Bitly logo looks in this example. Even though the image is small, the logo itself is clear:
Save a default logo
When you customize your QR Codes, you can select any of the logos you used most recently. You can also set a default logo in your settings. Visit How do I set a default logo? for detailed instructions.