This feature is available with some paid plans
As of May 2024, our QR Codes are now known as Bitly Codes. Learn more at What is a Bitly Code?
Logos can be used in Bitly Codes with any of our paid subscription plans. When you customize your Bitly Codes, you can select any of the logos you used most recently. You can also set a default logo to be used for all of your QR Codes.
Be sure to follow our best practices for Bitly Code logos.
To set a default Bitly Code logo:
These steps can also be used to replace your default logo.
- Log in to your Bitly account.
- Click Settings in the left sidebar.
- Click Groups.
- Select the group you want to use. If you don't have multiple groups in your account, select your default group here.
If you have multiple groups, you can have a different default logo for each group in your account.
- Click the logo icon to upload your image and toggle Default QR Code logo.
Whenever you create or customize a QR Code, you can select a different logo or choose not use one.