Our new Apps and Integrations Marketplace is live! Check out the Zapier page on the Marketplace for more information about this integration.
What is Zapier?
Zapier is a platform for building connections between apps or devices so they can work together automatically. In Zapier, you set up triggers and actions between the apps you work with, so when something happens in app A, app B responds by doing something else. These trigger-action combinations are called Zaps.
By automating actions and sharing data across the products you use, you can save yourself time and keep things updated automatically.
Why should I enable this integration?
By connecting Zapier to Bitly, you can create a bridge between your Bitly account and hundreds of other apps.
For example, Zapier can post new links to Facebook after you've shortened them in Bitly. Or when you create a new record in Airtable, Bitly can create a campaign automatically. You can see many other ideas on their Bitly page.
Who can set this up?
Anyone with a Bitly account and an Zapier account. You also need accounts with any of the apps you want to connect to.
How do I connect Zapier to Bitly?
The first time you create a Zap that includes a Bitly trigger or action, you'll connect Zapier to your Bitly account.
For details about building Zaps, check out Zapier's more comprehensive help site.
- Sign in to Zapier.
- Create or open a Zap with Bitly as either a trigger or action.
- In the Event field, choose what you want Bitly to do in this Zap. Click Continue.
- Click Sign in.
- Click Allow on the authorization page. If you're not signed in to Bitly, you'll be prompted to log in first.
With your Bitly account connected, you can continue creating your zap!