There may be a few different reasons why you can't find a link in your account, including:
- You've shortened a (very) high volume of links
- You've created multiple links to the same URL
- You changed the back-half of the link
- Other reasons
You've shortened a (very) high volume of links
Some accounts use the API to shorten a very high volume of links each month, usually in the tens of thousands or more. Filtering or searching such a large number of links is impractical, so links created in these high-volume accounts can't be found at
All of your links can be found through the API — talk to your developer or technical contact, if you're not sure how to do that.
High-volume accounts: How to make links discoverable
If you need to be able to shorten, copy, or track links from the Bitly web app, we recommend having at least two users in your account. Use one to connect to the API for high-volume shortening, and the second for links you want to shorten, copy, and track individually.
Multiple users are available with an Enterprise subscription. Talk to your Customer Success Manager about adding user seats, if needed.
You've created multiple links to the same URL
It used to be possible to shorten the same destination link multiple times with a single account (or group, for accounts with multiple groups). All of these links continue to work, but you can't view or track them separately.
You've changed the back-half
If you change a link's back-half, the Links page shows the current version of the link. On the card for the current version, the number of previous back-halves is displayed next to the destination URL. For example: +3 more. Click this to view or redirect previous back-halves used by the link.
Visit How do I find previous versions of a link? to learn more.
Other reasons
- The link wasn't created in your account. It's possible the link was shortened via the shortener on the Bitly homepage, or in a different account. If the person who shortened the link has a separate Bitly account, ask them to search there, too.
- The link was shortened in a different group. If you have multiple groups, make sure you're in the group that was used to shorten the link.
- You're searching for the wrong link. This is surprisingly easy to do! Double-check to make sure you're looking for the correct one.