Use the Bitly mobile app to create QR Codes wherever you are, whenever you need to. You can create a QR Code for a link you've already shortened in your Bitly account or a brand-new QR Code.
Note: QR Codes created in the mobile app aren't saved to your account, so you won't be able to access them from the Bitly web app.
Create a QR Code for a link you've already shortened
- Open the Bitly app and log in (if needed).
- Tap the link for which you want to create a QR Code.
- Tap the QR Code icon in the top-right corner.
- Depending on your subscription plan, you may be able to customize your QR code. Tap Modify design to customize it and Done when you're ready to share it.
Free accounts: To access free customization options like patterns and preset colors, use the Bitly web app.
- Tap Share code to send or copy your new QR Code, or to save it to your device.
Create a new QR Code
When you create a new QR Code in the Bitly mobile app, you also create a new Bitly short link. These count toward your monthly link limit.
- Open the Bitly app and log in (if needed).
- Tap the Create icon (+) in the bottom-right corner.
- Tap QR Code.
- Enter your destination URL and, optionally, a title for your QR Code. If you have a custom domain, you can choose to use it, too. Custom domains are available with paid plans.
- Tap Modify design.
- Depending on your subscription plan, you may be able to customize your QR code.
- Tap Create QR Code.
- Tap Share code to send or copy your new QR Code, or to save it to your device.